recent website improvements delivering improved user experience for customers and selling opportunities for retirement village operators is the leading information portal for Australians looking for retirement villages and retirement village operators looking to list their villages, and recent website improvements means it’s about to become even more useful.

These website improvements are designed to improve upon what is already proving to be an effective tool to link the right person to the right retirement village.

As Head of Industry Sales Solutions Carmella Rowsthorne says, it’s all about a drive to deliver a better experience for village operators and customers.

“The website is already providing clients with excellent results,” she says.

“With the increasing number of visitors and clients listing their lifestyle communities on every day, we are committed to further improve the site and have commenced significant upgrades that will further enhance the user experience and bring results for our clients.”

Here’s a rundown of some recent improvements.

Min. Price and Max. Price search functionality

Price was always going to be one of the main factors that influence a move into a retirement village, so giving customers the ability to search for a village by the Minimum and Maximum entry price was a big focus of the team at

And it makes sense.

Customers that have more control at the start of their search are with the click of a mouse immediately closer to the best village for their unique situations.

And operators are already that much closer to a sale.


From the consumer’s perspective, there’s no point looking at a retirement village if it’s full.

The good news is has a new functionality that lets you see exactly how many vacancies are available at a particular retirement village at any given time.

This is a powerful tool, and also generates a sense of urgency which is great for operators.

Sales operator and new sponsored property functionality

And here’s one retirement village operators are going to love.

Retirement village operators can now help their village stick out from the crowd with a new sponsored property functionality.

Sleek design, bigger photos and the ability to contact the agent directly make life easier for consumers, and delivers more sales for retirement village operators.

So, it’s a win all around.

Villages is constantly improving its offering to build upon an incredible base and deliver the premium platform for Australians looking to move into a retirement village.

If you’re a retirement village operator interested in a promoted listing you email Carmella Rowsthorne here or find out more here.