The Tuesday WRAP – Opportunity for the village sector in 2021
A new year, and one that is shaping up as a year of opportunity for the village sector, as DCM Group CEO Chris Baynes explains in the first Tuesday WRAP for 2021.
2020 was a big year for retirement village and land lease community operators, and by and large the sector responded strongly to the challenges created by COVID-19.
As Chris explains, the opportunity for retirement villages and land lease communities is great.
The Counsel Assisting’s recommendations from last November call for both Federal and State Governments – at Cabinet level – to help older people to age well.
The Counsel Assisting has said that there should be an integrated system for long term support and care of older people and their ongoing engagement with the rest of the community.
Chris says the recommendations call for all levels of government and establishing linkages between aged care and other relevant domains, such as:
a. the broader health sector and welfare and community services
and b. affordable and age-appropriate housing
This sounds like retirement villages and land lease communities for us, and that provide immense opportunities for providers to improve their offerings.
Chris looks at some of the possibilities that this presents for retirement villages, and why now is the time for the sector to build its case.
As Chris says, “The world can be very different by December if we do – for the village sector, and older Australians.”
Wise words, and definitely an exciting time as we gear up for another busy year. The village and land lease community sector has proved resilient, and may become a crucial part of the way Australians look after our seniors.
You can read the full, detailed article on The Weekly SOURCE site here.
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