Stay connected and subscribe to The Weekly SOURCE in 2021
We’d like to extend an invite to subscribe to The Weekly SOURCE in 2021, the premier news outlet for the aged care and retirement living sectors.
2020 was a massive year for both sectors, with bushfires, COVID-19 and the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety creating significant challenges.
For the most part, retirement living operators and aged care providers responded well.
But you get the sense that 2021 will be even bigger.
A crucial time for aged care and retirement living
It’s never been more important for the sector’s executives to have a trusted news outlet with tailored, sector specific news, analysis and commentary that will help the decision makers understand and respond to the issues of the day.
While the Daily RESOURCE will not be returning in 2021, the Tuesday SOURCE with Chris Baynes and the Thursday SOURCE with Lauren Broomham, will continue to help the leaders of aged care and retirement living deliver the best outcomes for older Australians.
We cordially invite you to subscribe to both newsletters here.
Ample opportunity to advertise
Both medias also offer operators ample opportunity to reach and promote to the sector’s leaders through promotional EDMs, banner advertising, industry listings and sponsored content.
The key is to connect quality products to the providers and the operators who need them most, and we’ve been pleased to be recognised as the aged care and retirement living business hub for the leaders of both sectors.
You can download the media kit here.
More big news to come
And although we can’t make any specific announcements as of yet, the Weekly SOURCE editorial team has a few new media products in the works that will help drive discussion and shape the ageing process for all Australians.
The result?
- Quality journalism
- Quality research
- Quality discussion
- Quality audience
- Quality positioning/lead environment
We invite you to join us in 2021 and help deliver a better environment for ageing Australians.